Year 3
Year 3 poses ‘big questions’ for exploration; reflect and think about their own learning and demonstrate their understanding in increasingly creative ways.
Year 3 is a year full of exciting, interesting and academically challenging experiences. Students continue to develop their research and investigation skills focus on becoming independent learners and work co-operatively in class groups. Students continue to extend their academic skills in each of the Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. Year 3 students engage with diverse and complex Central Ideas through transdisciplinary study. They conduct research, make observations and draw conclusions. They connect their learning with that of others. Students are courageous and pose ‘big questions’ for exploration; by being reflective and thinking about their own learning and through demonstrating their understanding in increasingly creative ways. Students also sit for the National Assessment Program (NAPLAN) test, the results of which will guide and inform future programming and personalisation of learning.
Year 4
Year 4 students are encouraged to be reflective and focus on their own learning; as inquirers, ask questions about the world around them and as communicators, using a range of technologies to demonstrate their understanding to their real audiences.
Year 4 is an important social and academic stage of development. Academically, learning continues to be framed around the seven Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. However, as part of their inquiries, Year 4 students explore ways in which societies create structures to make life easier or to serve other purposes such as religious, business or aesthetic. They also develop an understanding of global biomes and the adaptations living creatures make in their habitats. Year 4 students are encouraged to be reflective and focus on their own learning; as inquirers, asking questions about the world around them and as communicators, using a range of technologies to demonstrate their understanding to real audiences.