Year 1
Year 1 students become inquirers and ask questions about the world around them. They conduct research, listen to one another and explore ‘big questions’ through the Central Ideas.
Year 1 is a consolidation of fundamental learning processes and knowledge. Our students develop their social skills through interaction with their peers, older children and adults throughout the school day. Becoming increasingly confident and independent, the students continue to expand their numeracy and literacy skills. Effective communication is encouraged through group and class presentations and discussions. Students develop in confidence and independent learning skills through class and home tasks. Working effectively in groups is a feature of education in Year 1 and the students enjoy a range of collaborative activities across the seven Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. Students become inquirers and ask questions about the world around them. They conduct research, listen to one another and explore ‘big questions’ through the Central Ideas.
Year 2
Year 2 students are courageous when experimenting; thinkers when making connections in their learning and communicators when working with and listening to others.
Year 2 students are well on their way becoming independent learners. They spend their year consolidating skills and knowledge in each of the Key Learning Areas: English, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE), Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Creative Arts and Languages. The exploration of Central Ideas leads to a high degree of student engagement. Students pose questions, find solutions and create diverse presentations using a range of technologies. They learn to be courageous when experimenting; by being thinkers when making connections in their learning and by being communicators when working with and listening to others.