The School shone literally in the sunshine last Sunday and metaphorically, we put our best foot forward by running an outstanding and wonderful community event. The Spring Fair was everything the organisers hoped for, and so much more. The turnout was fantastic, the atmosphere electric, the spirit palpable, and the weather was beautiful. Presented by PAFA, with the input and support of a large group of parents, staff and student volunteers, the Fair was a strong display of warmth and openness of the Hills Grammar community.
The Fair's entertainment was spectacular and included Hills Grammar group acts such as Campanella’s, Songmakers, Cheer Team, Dance Team, Senior Choir, Senior Guitar ensemble and the Hills Grammar Staff Band, along with Dural Jujitsu, The Hills Dance Factory, The Stage Door Performing Arts, Sister 2 Sister School of Singing and Mahal Dance Co.
The Music Terrace featured Sinfoni, Junior Guitar Ensemble, Senior Guitar Ensemble, Junior String Ensemble, Intermediate String Ensemble, Junior Flute Ensemble, Year 7 Ensemble and the Intermediate Guitar Ensemble, while the Commedia Troupe and the Year 6 drama group entertained the crowds at various locations across the Fair.
Thank you to everyone for their involvement and support of the Fair. There are obviously a number of people that we need to thank, in particular, Katie Melides, Lisl Dobson and Steve McDougall who oversaw the entire venture, ably supported by Russell Burns, Andrea Curr, Janette Beedell, Cate Redman, Leonie McIndoe, Radha Shah, Mel Colgar, Gareth and Kylie Bryant, Bruce Tong, Ngoc Tran and Camilla Janny-Reynolds.
We express our appreciation to the Advancement & Engagement Department and, in particular, Claire Napoli (Director) and her staff for their work in support of this PAFA venture.
Thank you to the parents who volunteered at year group stalls. These stalls are one of the cornerstones of the Fair and the time and input of the stall coordinators and parent volunteers is much appreciated.
To our Hills Grammar staff who volunteered over the weekend - from Saturday set up to Sunday pack down, it is easy to see the extraordinary people who form our school community.
To the families that donated drinks, or books and or supported their year group stall – thank you for building and supporting our school.
Finally, thank you to all those in the School and wider communities who sponsored the event so generously.
The outcomes will be many fold, including but not limited to – a financial one, but perhaps, more importantly, the sense of spirit and community pride that we can feel in our school and our connection and contribution to the district of which we are a part – the Hills District.
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