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Alumni in the Spotlight | Claudia Nielson-Jones

Can you provide an overview of your career journey so far?

I graduated with a Bachelor of Science, Psychology (Honours, Class 1) from Macquarie University in 2014. After this degree, I was interested in pursuing further study in the area of psychology, although was unsure whether I was interested in pursuing a career in clinical psychology or research/academia. I decided to take some time off studying to gain experience in different areas of psychology.

My first role out of undergraduate was as a Research Officer for the Faculty of Medicine at UNSW. I was the coordinator of a state-wide research trial investigating the psycho-biological impact of fetal or postnatal diagnosis of complex congenital heart disease on infant neurodevelopment. While in this role, I also explored other areas of psychology by volunteering as a Telephone Crisis Supporter at Lifeline and a grant writer for a foster care company. 

In 2017/2018 I completed a Masters of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sydney. During my training, I interned at a private psychiatric hospital, community health centre, university clinic and a specialised child Behaviour clinic. I found my passion to be working in early intervention, with parents in the perinatal period and with families of young children. I also continued my role as a Research Officer and focussed my research on pregnancy-specific anxiety after fetal cardiac diagnosis, and presented at several conferences. 

I have been working as a Clinical Psychologist in the Perinatal, Infant and Child Mental Health team at Karitane since graduating from Sydney Uni. I have undertaken additional training as a Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) clinician and provide specialised therapy to families of children aged 12 months to 4 years experiencing significant behavioural difficulties (e.g. emotion dysregulation and disruptive behaviour). My favourite part of this role is working in partnership with parents to feel more confident in managing their child’s behaviour, and supporting a change in the parent-child dynamic which is likely to impact the trajectory of a child’s life. 

In 2023 I undertook further training as a Level 1 PCIT Trainer and an Australian Health Professionals Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Board Approved Supervisor with the intention to train and supervise early career psychologists in child psychology. I really enjoy a mix of therapy and providing education to early career clinicians. 

What inspired you to pursue this career path?

My interest in psychology was sparked whilst studying Gwen Harwood’s poetry in Year 12 and learning about Sigmund Freud. I am forever thankful to Mr Clendinning for sharing his experience of studying psychology and encouraging me to pursue a career in psychology. 

What are your future aspirations? 

I am about to have my second baby and will be taking a brief career hiatus. When I return to work, I will continue my role as a PCIT clinician at Karitane and focus more so on training and education. Perhaps one day I might dip my toe into opening a private practice or return to research/academia. But for now, I’m very content with where I am in my career while I focus on raising my children. 

What advice can you give to our Hills Originals?

It’s OK to take time to work out your career path - whilst you’re doing so, be constantly learning, networking and saying yes to every opportunity (even volunteering). It’s a lot easier to work out what you don’t want to do than what you do want to do.