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School Council Expression of Interest

On behalf of the School’s governing body, I invite expressions of interest from anyone in the school community or beyond who has the appropriate background and qualifications to become a member of the School Council. This open invitation is part of the School’s transparent approach to identifying and selecting its Council members.

Hills Grammar is a not-for-profit registered Australian public company limited by guarantee. School Council (the Board), empowered by the School’s Constitution and accountable under Corporations Law, is responsible for financial management and governance, a function of which is to appoint the Principal. Council’s focus is also strategic, ensuring Hills Grammar remains relevant to current students and those to come, long into the future. 

Meetings of Council are held monthly, from February to November. The Councillors bring diverse professional skills and backgrounds to the School. Some are parents, former parents or alumni and brief bios of all can be found here. There are four office-bearers, Chair, Deputy Chair, Treasurer and Council Secretary, who are elected by Council annually. All Councillors serve in a voluntary capacity and are bound by a code of conduct. No Councillor receives a financial or other benefit from the School. 

In order to indicate an interest in being considered for appointment as a Councillor, individuals are asked to submit the online application below. 

All applications will be reviewed and assessed confidentially by Council based on the criteria explained in the online application, which also identifies the categories of people who are constitutionally excluded from becoming Councillors. Selected candidates will be invited for more detailed discussion and an interview. 

Darby To | Chair of School Council